LymphoSign Journal publishes novel clinical, translational, and basic research in the fields of immunology, gastroenterology, neurology, dermatology, rheumatology, hematology, and infectious disease. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for clinicians and scientists to discuss clinical observations, therapies, and insights into underlying disease mechanisms in immune disorders including immune deficiencies, auto-inflammatory disorders, allergy, bone marrow failure, and lymphoid malignancies. Special consideration will be given, but is not limited to, articles exploring adaptive and innate immunity, mucosal immunity, signal transduction, lymphocyte development and cell death, genomic medicine, gene regulation, DNA repair, and cell cytoskeletal networks. LymphoSign Journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, clinical trials, case reports, novel mutations, and imaging, as well as practice guidelines, algorithms, and protocols.